
A Property Panorama
I have worked as a Real Estate Property Sales Consultant in Malta and Gozo for many years, and now I have decided to set up my One-Stop-Shop Agency. I am presenting the One-Stop-Shop Agency to you through my website. Of course, the most important task will be...

Yasmine’s Yoga Classes
The wonderful Karma of Yasmine and her Yoga Classes Yasmine’s Youth She was born in 1972, in Iran to a German mother and an Iranian father. Thus, in her youth lived in both Iran and Germany and was introduced to multi culturalisme as she was growing up. She also...

Alison’s Glass fusing
Today I met up with Alison who owns and runs the company Stained Glass Ltd., a subsidiary of the Amal Group, set up by her father in the 1970s. Her company name ironically refers to stained glass, because her father who had specialized in aluminum structures, had eventually broadened his repertoire to include stained glass windows / panels. But, around the turn of the 3rd millennium, Alison took over and her creativity and courage did not stop there.

Furniture Styles The choice of furniture in a property is very important.